Thursday, May 31, 2012

Tour the Lane {Laundry/Guest Bathroom}

I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with my laundry room. Love that I have one, hate all the laundry … ha! Does Anyone relate?

Really though, this is one of the most multi functional and used rooms in our home. It’s sort of a laundry/mud/storage/bath room. So many purposes packed into one small space! It’s the place everyone goes when they first walk in the door and the place everyone goes before they leave the house. Not to mention the laundry and bathroom trips galore.

One of my fav things in the room is the slate tiled floor. I love the color and the pattern and the dirt hiding factor isn’t bad either! I was a little worried about the durability factor when we installed it, but once installed and sealed it has been great!



The floating shelves and labeled baskets are a nice, easily accessible storage solution. They are for random things that would otherwise pile up on the counter and have been extremely helpful in keeping down the clutter. You can’t tell from the picture but the baskets are labeled for – Misc socks, kids gardening/sunglasses, baseball mitts, things to go back, Dad, and Navi (The boys have their own bins in another spot). I also keep the paper shredder and a small container for spare change and keys on the shelves.



With four kids, laundry seems to take over around here. Everyone has their own laundry bin in their rooms but I love having these labeled bins that make it easy for everyone to know what goes where. Yes, even the two year old knows where to put her laundry. And as soon as one fills up, it gets thrown in the wash.DSC03133


Here, in this little tiny corner of the room is where the majority of the action happens. This area houses everyone’s shoes, backpacks, jackets, hats and gloves and as the kids get bigger the space seems to get smaller and smaller. I’m thinking that one day we will probably trade spaces with the closet to the left in order to make a little more much needed room!



Each boy has their own canvas bin with their initial on it to keep winter gear like hats, gloves and scarves in. For the most part I like that they are up high so the kids aren’t getting in to them all year long. But honestly in the winter when they are constantly being used, they mostly live on the laundry room counter.



Then we enter the half bath. This is the room that I lock myself in when things are getting a little crazy … you all have one of those spots, right!?





I bought this mirror at Pier One years ago.  It has lived in three different homes now and I have loved it in every one! We originally purchased it for our family room in our first home, but I actually thinks it works better here. It’s a perfect fit for this space and I love the traveled feel that it gives the room!



So there you have it my friends, the laundry/guest bathroom!

Linking up with
Thrifty Decor Chick

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