Happy Memorial Day! We have been working a lot in the yard this weekend and are getting closer to finishing up the sprinklers in our front yard flower beds! (I’m pretty sure that was supposed to be my Mother’s day present at least one of the 6 years we have lived here … ha!) We have also been having fun spending time with family, going out to eat, and having a campfire (smores … yum!) in the backyard. The weather has been perfect and we are really just soaking it all up!
I also finished up this gem that I have been slowly working on for the past year! Remember way back in March of 2012 my mom and I started redoing her house?? Well, we found what we think was an old shoe shiners bench during our all day thrifting marathon and picked it up with the intent of turning into their new entertainment center.
I am beyond giddy with the results and am kind of wishing it was mine!

Just to refresh your memory, this is how she looked when we picked it up back in March 2012. Pretty, right?!

Then it sat … for months, until we decided to get working. We removed the old top and added some pine 1 x 2’s to beef it up and get it ready for a new top. I swear the kids love helping!

Before adding the new top I did a few alternating layers of a white and gray wash on the base. (Sorry, I didn’t get any pics!)
Once the painting was done we added the top which was just pine 1X5’s capped on each end with a 1X3. To hide the screws we countersunk them and then added 1/2” wood plugs. I love the extra bit of character that they add!

We found that even after choosing the straightest boards we could find, the top was still going to need some major sanding to smooth it all out. Thank goodness for electric sanders! I sanded the crap out of that thing until it was smooooth and then it was time for a little distressing! I just used whatever I could find around the garage; a hammer (both sides), a screw, a drill bit.

After sanding, distressing, and staining, this is what the top looked like.

Once the top was on and stained I felt like the base needed a little more character, so I took the electric sander to it and exposed a little of the wood underneath the white wash.
Here is is after sanding.

Then I mixed up a glaze and applied it with a cheapo brush.

Here is how it looked with the stain/glaze brushed on.

And then after wiping it back off. It’s not a huge difference, but it just adds one more layer and a little more depth.

Here is the whole thing after sanding (but before glazing) and adding some new feet. After this step we added a small piece of trim right under the new top to cover a few gaps and finish off the look.

The final step was to seal it. We used Varathane polyurethane in a satin finish.

And just because I can’t get enough … here are a few more shots of the finished product!

Now I’m off to enjoy what’s left of this glorious, long Memorial weekend! I hope you are too!
Linked up here:
Lolly Jane(The Scoop),
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia,
Not Just a Housewife,
Thrifty Décor Chick